Annex Arts Summer 2020 Programming
Sheilah and Dani Restack (Visual Arts Fellows, 2017)
Village Reads
Village Reads is a summer 2020 initiative designed to combine elements of book clubs, author events, and artist residencies into one interactive virtual experience. Everyone participates by reading the book selections, engaging with the Village Reads blog, and attending our virtual author events. Click on the “learn more” button below for details. Skip straight to “Registration” here.
This summer we hope you will join us in reading:
Blue Marlin by Lee Smith - Reading starts June 22 - Author event: 4:00 PM, Monday, July 13th.
Call Me American by Abdi Nor Iftin - Reading starts July 15 - Author event: 4:00 PM, Monday, August 10th.
My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathways to Mending our Hearts and Bodies by Resmaa Menakem - partnering with the Readings on Race discussion group.
The Blue Hill Public Library discussions will be on Zoom Sat 8/1 2 at 4pm, Wed 8/12 at 6-8pm, Th 8/27 at 6-8pm
Pass-it-on, A collaborative Novella project
Pass-It-On invites community collaboration on what promises to be a fun and potentially absurd project. Writers of all skill levels can participate. Based on an old parlor game, each contributor writes a chapter and then passes it on to someone else who will write the next chapter. The book-in-progress moves from person to person until it is a finished novella. Click on the link to learn more.
Registration has closed as of July 8, we have several books in progress. Stay tuned for presentation of the final products!
Castine in the time of quarantine, a community journal
Submit stories, observations, notes, poetry, photos, and art created and informed by your experience of the Covid-19 pandemic and quarantine. Castine in the Time of Quarantine will record and reflect the diverse ways one small town in Maine persevered through an unprecedented moment in world history.
Submit often, March 1 - ONGOING
Our Artist-in-Residence Program: Postponed until 2021
Annex Arts offers residencies to visual, media, literary, and performing artists. We offer free space to live and work on the coast of Maine during the months of June, July, and August. Click on the “Learn More” button for more information and a place to request applications or nominate an artist.
Postponed until 2021
How to Register or Find out More:
Each program has a full description that you may access through the various “Learn More” buttons on this page or the links in the main navigation bar under “Summer 2020 Programs.” You may register or sign up to engage with any of these programs through the “Register” buttons on their pages or you can find the Registration Page in the main navigation under “Summer 2020 Programs.”
Once you register you may also cancel or opt out. Registering simply gives you access to the opportunities to participate in the program/s.
Annex Arts Summer 2020 programs are made possible through generous support from Humanitas, a non-profit organization that promotes “peace and love in the human family–one story at a time,” from the Maine Community Foundation, whose broad mission is “to improve the quality of life for all Maine people,” from Maine Arts Commission, an organization dedicated to empowering and advocating for Maine's cultural sector, from all Annex Arts supporters and from those who choose to participate.