Annex Arts


We welcome — and need!—your participation! There are so many ways you could help. Here are a few tangible jobs:

Exhibition Sitters: People willing to spend some time in the studio/exhibition space to welcome visitors in 2, 3, or 4-hour stretches.

Artist Liaisons: In a typical year we need people to help artists orient to their new environment like taking them for a ride to show them the area, helping them source material they may be looking for, introducing them to local people who may be working in a relevant interest area.

Exhibition Curation and Set up: This is both creatively and physically demanding. We welcome collaboration from professionals and assistance from anyone who can wield a hammer and tape measure.

Food and Flowers: We have food and flowers at many of our events. If you would like to donate or set up either, we’d be grateful.

Publicity: We always need good photos of our programs, events, and artists at work, and excellent copy to capture the experience!

Facilitation: Could you help us design and run programs in the arts?

etc, etc: We are a tiny organization. If you have skills or items you want to add to our effort, please speak up!